Thursday, May 26, 2011

I'm So Excited!

Ok... So I'm sure you all know that I've been reading Jenn LeBLanc's The Rake and The Recluse. And I'm sure by now you all know that it is an illustrated romance, meaning there are pictures! Well... I FINISHED IT! It was sooo good and not just because of the pictures. The story was amazing and I can not wait for the next book. (Really Jenn, hurry it up!)

So I hope that you have all gone and bought The Rake and The Recluse and if you haven't then you have until the end of the month to get it at the sale price. ($2.99 for a book with pictures! You can't beat that!)

And guess who is coming to hang out here at For the Love of Romance on Monday? The fabulous Jenn LeBlanc! She is going to be my FIRST authors to do a guest post and I couldn't be happier! So make sure you come check it out!


In other news... The Pervy Trinity is complete and all will be attending RomCon in August! Kati (Romancing Rakes), Rita (Not Another Romance Blog), and myself will be taking over Denver! I am very excited about RomCon because not only do I get to meet Kati and Rita BUT Naughty Author 1 (Ashley March) and Naughty Author 2 (Jenn LeBlanc)! AND Jenn is bringing her Muse, Derek Hutchins or more affectionately known as DH.

PS... DH is the hottie who portays Roxleigh in The Rake and The Recluse.

So if any of you are going to be at RomCon let me know so we can hang out! (Amelia I'm looking at you!) ALSO... RWA is coming up the end of June and I will be wandering around there as well so make sure you tell me if you're going to be in NYC so we can play!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Richard Henry Hugh Purejoy Hutchins Dance Party™ (Kati) But it had to be said.
